“Inclusive Victoria” – How does the new State Disability Plan support women?

The Victorian Government released its new State Disability Plan this week: Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan (2022–2026). The plan aims to improve disability access and inclusion across Victorian services, including health, sexual assault and family violence services.
At Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV), we are pleased that the plan recognises the gendered nature of violence against women. Sexual and reproductive health and parenting supports have also been included.
In the plan, the Victorian Government has committed to making family violence refuges meet disability access standards, according to the Disability Discrimination Act.
If the plan is followed, we should see a much needed increase in accessible private and social housing. We could also see an increase in resources devoted to Disability Action Plans, disability leadership and the accessibility of information provided by the Victorian Government.
WDV appreciates the work that has been done to ensure that this plan is put into action across government departments. It’s important that disability access and inclusion is part of all of the work that government does.
The plan shows a commitment to the Disability Discrimination Act and the Human Rights of people with disability.
We look forward to seeing which activities in the plan are supported in the May budget.