Episode 4: Sara McQueenie

Creative Spirit – Sara Mcqueenie
Artist, writer, singer and presenter Sara McQueenie lives a creative life. Part of the groundbreaking disability TV show, No Limits, she has been instrumental in raising the profile of people with disability in Australia.
When someone is as vivacious and talented as Sara it’s easy to assume they’ve got it made. Yet behind the charisma there is a profound story of unique experiences, struggle, persistence and creativity.
Born with spina bifida, Sara’s childhood was one of traumatic medical interventions, regular trips from Bendigo to Melbourne for hospital visits, and an interrupted education, which had a deep impact.
“To survive you put on the social mask, which is exactly what I do in a hospital environment. It is a survival coping mechanism.”
A skilled artist, writer and performer, Sara’s creativity sustains her. She writes every day and says that her morning pages are part of her mental health practice and an important impetus of her art.
Sara deeply understands that moving through an inaccessible world is physically and emotionally exhausting and has spent her life bringing her creativity and advocacy together.
“I’ve always had a courageous spirit. I don’t mind being the first one to move forward.”
As a solo mother with disability, Sara found creative approaches to parenting. As founder of CreateAbility, she supported adults with disability to build their social skills. In her multi-disciplined creative practice, she advocates for accessible spaces, and as co-host of disability TV show, No Limits, for eight years, she was part of raising the profile and visibility of people with disability.
It was during her experience with No Limits, where she says that she not only found a peer group of disabled people but found and recognised herself. She is a proud disabled woman and a true creative.
I would say I’m a proud disabled woman. I would say that my disability does define me, but it’s not all of me. And it impacts on my physical world, but it doesn’t impact my spiritual world and internal world.
Sara Mcqueenie