Gender and Disability Manager Part-time (0.8 FTE)

Gender and Disability Manager Part-time (0.8 FTE)

Gender and Disability Manager Part-time (0.8 FTE)

The Gender and Disability Manager is a position within the Workforce Development program team, this position is responsible for:

  • Leading the Gender and Disability Workforce Development Program and achieving the Program’s aims and violence prevention workforce development deliverables over the next phase of funding.
  • Building and maintaining effective relationships with Program funders, partners, and key stakeholders, to support Program delivery and expansion.
  • Contributing knowledge and expertise in prevention of violence against women with disabilities (PVAWD), gender and disability equity for the achievement of WDV’s strategic objectives and broader strategic positioning of women with disabilities in primary prevention.
  • Developing a strong and respectful team culture grounded in feminist and co-design principles
  • Participating in the effective management of WDV as a member of the senior management team.

Position Description PDF version

Position Description Microsoft Word version

Applications close 5pm Tuesday September 14, 2021.

*Please note, only applicants who have addressed the Key Selection Criteria will be considered for this role. 

We are Hiring!

We are Hiring!

Membership Engagement and Communications Officer (0.9 FTE)

The Membership Engagement and Communications Officer is a position within the Operations team.

This position is responsible for:

  • Building and strengthening WDV’s Membership base and the engagement and participation of Members in WDV’s programs and activities.
  • Communicating with all WDV Members, women with disabilities, key stakeholders and the wider public in promotion of WDV activities.

Position Description PDF version

Position Description Microsoft Word version

Applications close 5pm Monday August 23, 2021.

Marketing and Communications Coordinator (0.6 FTE)

The Marketing and Communications Coordinator is a position within our Operations team, this position is responsible for:

  • Promoting the goals and priorities of WDV by ensuring accessible, relevant, timely and effective marketing and communications of WDV to its members, stakeholders and the wider community.
  • Supporting the WDV Strategic Plan by pursuing marketing and communication initiatives and tools that inform and influence community attitudes, including the disability and related sectors, our members, government and key stakeholders.

Position Description PDF version

Position Description Microsoft Word version

Applications close 5pm Monday August 23, 2021.

Prevention of Violence Against Women with Disabilities Micro-webinar Series and Understanding Disability animated video

Prevention of Violence Against Women with Disabilities Micro-webinar Series and Understanding Disability animated video

Prevention of Violence Against Women with Disabilities Micro-webinar Series and Understanding Disability animated video

Women with disabilities experience considerable discrimination and violence based on gender inequality and disability inequality.
To combat this, Women with Disabilities Victoria have developed new resources to increase awareness and build the capacity of disability, health service, social service and prevention workforces to deliver gender and disability equitable, responsive and inclusive services.
Resources to be launched are:
1 animated video on Understanding Disability – introducing viewers to 6 keystones for how we understand disability and how we want others to understand disability- to build an equitable and safe future. 
• Micro-webinar series
WDV would like to introduce our new pilot online awareness raising micro courses. These courses explore violence against women with disabilities. The first course increases awareness of the impact of violence against women with disabilities and the second course introduces prevention of violence against women with disabilities. Both courses have a short online assessment and feedback form – once complete participants will receive a certificate of completion. 
These resources are part of a larger resource suite designed to promote prevention of violence against women with disabilities. 
The Gender and Disability Workforce Development Program is supported by the Victorian Government.
No photo description available.
Resources to accompany “Prevention of Violence Against Women with Disabilities: Workforce Resources for Action”

Resources to accompany “Prevention of Violence Against Women with Disabilities: Workforce Resources for Action”

Resources to accompany “Prevention of Violence Against Women with Disabilities: Workforce Resources for Action”

WDV have developed new resources to support workforces in the prevention of violence against women with disabilities 

Violence against women with disabilities is a widespread human rights abuse in Australia. We know that gender inequality and disability inequality intersect to drive these exceptionally high rates of violence.

The Workforce Resources for Action have been developed to expand upon the important work of Change the Story by placing a disability lens over the gendered drivers of violence and the essential actions to prevent gendered violence.

By combining the evidence on what we know drives gender-based violence with the evidence and research on what we know drives disability-based violence, these resources can be used to take effective action in primary prevention of violence against women with disabilities.

Accessible Powerpoint Slides

Preventing Violence Against Women with Disabilities

IT Support

Dee Henry Ph: 0414 846 476

Debrief Support

If you would like to talk through anything from the session today please e-mail [email protected]

List of Support Services (Microsoft Word download)

Driver and Action 1

Driver 1 Poster (PDF)

Action 1 Poster (PDF)

Driver 1 and Action 1 (accessible Microsoft Word version)

Driver and Action 2

Driver 2 Poster (PDF)

Action 2 Poster (PDF)

Driver 2 and Action 2 (accessible Microsoft Word version)

Driver and Action 3

Driver 3 (PDF)

Action 3 Poster (PDF)

Driver 3 and Action 3 (accessible Microsoft Word version)

Driver and Action 4

Driver 4 Poster (PDF)

Driver 4 Poster (PDF)

Driver 4 and Action 4 (accessible Microsoft Word version)

Action 5

Action 5 Poster (PDF)

Action 5 (accessible Microsoft Word version)

We are hiring: Administration Support Officer

We are hiring:

Administration Support Officer

Would you like to join a dynamic and fast-growing organisation and enjoy a variety of duties supporting a diverse range of programs?

Do you have a passion for feminist principles and the rights of women with disabilities?

Are you looking to utilise your excellent all-round administrative and organisational skills within a small friendly team?

 The Administration Support Officer is a position within the Operations team, dedicated to providing administrative support to staff delivering WDV’s corporate and program activities. 

Hours are 60.80 hours per fortnight (0.8 FTE) to be worked over Monday to Thursday.

The position is from date of appointment until 30 June 2022 and is subject to a three-month probationary period. 

Position Description (Microsoft Word version)

Position Description (PDF version)

Applications close at 5.00pm on Friday 12 March 2021

Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities: Workforce Resources for Action

Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities: Workforce Resources for Action

Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities: Workforce Resources for Action

As part of the 2021 International Women’s Day Celebrations, Women with Disabilities Victoria are holding a FREE webinar and launch of our newest resource Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities: Workforce Resources for Action.

Women with disabilities experience high rates of gender and disability-based violence.  

It is essential that we highlight the specific drivers of violence against women with disabilities and the specific actions that we can take as a society to prevent this targeted violence. 

Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities: Workforce Resources for Action have been developed to expand upon the important work we have been doing at WDV and Our Watch’s Change the Story national framework by placing a disability lens over the evidence of what works to prevent violence. 

This important event is open to those who work in the disability, social services and the Prevention of Violence Against Women sectors. 


The event will be held on Wednesday 10th March 2021, from 11:00am to 12:30pm. 

Register by 8th March 2021 via this link 

For more information contact Carly Myers on [email protected] or 0430 231 557  

Please see flyer

#WDV #ChooseToChallenge campaign #IWD2021

Training for social services and disability workforces

Training for social services and disability workforces

Training for social services and disability workforces

Women and girls with disabilities are twice as likely to experience violence as those without disabilities.

This online workshop, aimed towards disability and social services workforces, will show how gender and disability inequality drives violence, and how you can prevent it.

The training will be delivered over three sessions:

  • Session 1:
    Introduction to Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities
  • Session 2:
    Drivers of Violence and Essential Actions
  • Session 3:
    Prevention in Action



Session 1: Tuesday 16th March 2021

Session 2: Tuesday 23rd March 2021

Session 3: Tuesday 30th March 2021

Time: 10:00am–1:00pm

Location: Online via Zoom (details will be provided upon registration)

Register: by Tuesday 9th March 2021 via this link

For more information: contact Olivia Franklin on [email protected] or 0433 691 548


What you will learn

Session 1: Introduction to Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities

  • How gender and disability inequality intersect to create disadvantage for women with disability
  • Impacts of violence against women with disability
  • Why gender inequity is a key driver of violence against women with disability

Session 2: Drivers of Violence and Essential Actions

  • How our everyday actions and practice can contribute to violence against women with disability
  • How gender and disability equitable practice can create change to end violence
  • Strategies and tools to prevent violence against women with disability

Session 3: Prevention in Action

  • How we can be active bystanders to prevent violence against women with disability
  • How primary prevention can inform the safe management of disclosures of violence against women with disability
  • Referral services which can assist in responding to women with disability who experience violence.

The training is co-facilitated with an expert in violence prevention and a woman with a lived experience of disabilities. It is evidence-based, aligning with the latest research on disability, Our Watch’s Change the Story, and the Preventing Family Violence & Violence against Women Capability Framework.

(per participant, including GST)


Organisation (cost per person) $50 per session

Individual/sole trader $25 per session

Training Flyer  (Microsoft Word version)

We are hiring: Mentor Co-ordinator and Co-Facilitator for the Enabling Women Leadership Program in Colac.

We are hiring: Mentor Co-ordinator and Co-Facilitator for the Enabling Women Leadership Program in Colac.

We are hiring:

Mentor Co-ordinator and Co-Facilitator for the Enabling Women Leadership Program in Colac.

We are recruiting for two roles:

Mentor Co-ordinator and Co-Facilitator for the Enabling Women Leadership Program in Colac.

More information:

Applications close 5pm Monday July 5, 2021.