Deep disappointment at Government’s response to the Disability Royal Commission

Deep disappointment at Government’s response to the Disability Royal Commission

Missed opportunity to ensure Victorians with disabilities are free from violence abuse and neglect.

The Victorian government’s failure to adopt in full the vast majority of the recommendations made by the Disability Royal Commission ensures the continued mistreatment of Victorians with disability, according to Victorian peak disability organisations.

Read the Disability Advocacy Victoria (DAV) and Disabled Persons Organisations (DPO) Victoria joint statement. 

Celebrating Aunty Jane and her RAP artwork

Celebrating Aunty Jane and her RAP artwork

Celebrating Aunty Jane and her Reconciliation Action Plan artwork

Photo of Aunty Jane and her artwork for WV's RAP - Reflect

Image description: Aunty Jane is standing holding the painting, smiling and facing the camera. Aunty Jane is wearing a purple jumper with the word “Auntie” written in colourful writing.

Proud Yorta Yorta woman, disability advocate and artist, Aunty Jane Rosengrave yarns with us about creating the original artwork for WDV’s Reconciliation Action Plan – Reflect.

Once kept from her Aboriginal culture, Aunty Jane now thrives within it. Jane is a proud Aunty in her community. Once denied the pride of being a part of the disabled community, Jane is now a leader, empowering others.

Read more about Aunty Jane and her artwork here, including a detailed description of the artwork: Artist Bio and Description.

Video of Jane describing her artwork here: Video 

Women with Disabilities Victoria are losing 48% of their funding

Women with Disabilities Victoria are losing 48% of their funding

Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV) are losing 48% of our funding resulting in a loss of 36% of our staff, this includes 19 women and non-binary people with disabilities.
We are calling on the Commonwealth Government to urgently address the funding of WDV who without this support will be unable to continue our critical work after June 2024.

WDV CEO Nadia Mattiazzo has stated “I am devastated…speaking personally, and I think also from the rest of us at WDV, we will not let our rage at this situation abate. We will respond to this outrageous lack of understanding for who we are and what we do best.”
Here is how you can help, call on Minister Rishworth and Minister Shorten to urgently address this funding shortfall.
Email the Ministers using the pre-prepared letter here.

Read our press release here. 

Joint Submission – Getting the NDIS Back on Track 2024.

Joint Submission – Getting the NDIS Back on Track 2024.

Our joint submission to get the NDIS back on track has been accepted. Great work team! We partnered with Women with Disabilities Australia and Women with Disabilities ACT to compile this submission to ‘National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 [Provisions]’

Check out our joint submission here: (particularly our 11 recommendations on page 7)

NDIS Bill 2024 Senate Committee Joint Submission PDF 

NDIS Bill 2024 Senate Committee Joint Submission Word


Image description: The words “submission accepted!” in a burgundy coloured box sits over an open envelope with a letter inside saying “Joint Submission – ‘National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment”

WDVs Continuing Commitment to First Nations People with Disability

WDVs Continuing Commitment to First Nations People with Disability

WDV’s continuing commitment to First Nations women and non-binary people with disabilities

Photo of Uluru at sunrise by Ondrej Machart
  • Australia has voted no to a constitutionally protected advisory body giving a voice to First Nations people in this country.
  • The result has been met with feelings of sadness and sorrow from many in our community.
  • The result doesn’t define our commitment to First Nations community.
  • We are dedicated to strengthening our work with women and non-binary people with disability from First Nations communities.
  • We are formalising this and will continue to work with Reconciliation Australia on our RAP.
  • WDV staff are holding space and reflecting on this time and respect that First Nations Australians who campaigned for the Voice to Parliament have called for a week of silence across the country to grieve and reflect.

The referendum process has been difficult and demanding for First Nations people. Mob only support services are available at Healing Foundation and can be found here:

For others in our community support can be found here:
The Blue Knot website
The Life Line website


Photo by Ondrej Machart 

Registrations Open for 2023 AGM and Board Elections

Registrations Open for 2023 AGM and Board Elections

2023 AGM and Board Elections

Tuesday 14th November 2023, 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Registrations are closed

Women with Disabilities Victoria’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday 14th November! In light of our commitment to access for all Victorian women and non-binary people with disabilities, the 2023 AGM will be held online via Zoom. Auslan Interpreters and Live Captioning will be provided. The meeting will include the annual elections to the Board of WDV.

Read more

The Voice to Parliament Referendum: Statement from the WDV Board

The Voice to Parliament Referendum: Statement from the WDV Board

Dark blue tile with a bunch of empty speech bubbles. Yellow and white text says: There's a conversation going on about the Voice referendum.


The Voice to Parliament Referendum: Statement from the WDV Board.

Read it here:

The Voice to Parliament Referendum Statement from the WDV Board- Word

The Voice to Parliament Referendum Statement from the WDV Board- PDF

WDV acknowledges the diversity of opinion on the Voice to Parliament. There is also a lot of information on voting Yes and voting No. We encourage our members and women with disability in the community to make their own informed choice when voting on October 14.

The First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN) is the peak organisation of and for Australia’s First Peoples with disability, their families and communities. You can access their website here

The upcoming referendum may be upsetting for some First Nations people. If you are a First Nations person and would like support, there are culturally safe services available 13Yarn. Visit the 13 Yarn website.


Accessible Resources

WDV are part of the broader human rights movement and advocate for people with disabilities to be enabled to fully participate in all areas of life. The right to vote is essential to enabling full citizenship (Source: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [ICCPR], Article 25). Voting processes and information has often been inaccessible for people with disabilities. Here are some resources:

The Council for Intellectual Disability have created this document in Easy Read that explains the referendum, voting and what voting Yes or No will mean for Australia and First Nations people.
Council for Intellectual Disability -Easy Read – The Voice to Parliament

Life Without Borders have several documents available on their website, in multiple languages to support everyone to understand the referendum.
Add link to 9328 Factsheet Easy Read LR2 – Life Without Barriers
Add link to 9328 Factsheet Plain English final LR2 – Life Without Barriers

· Voting accessibility
· Accessibility of AEC services Referendum 2023 – Accessibility of AEC services
· Easy read guides which explain referendums, how to vote and enrol to vote
· The official YES/NO Referendum pamphlet
· ‘Your Answer Matters’ a podcast released by the AEC, described as:
“an unbiased and detailed look at why the referendum is important, how you can make your vote count, and why your answer matters”

As of 6th September 2023, there is currently no Easy Read/ Easy English version of the official Referendum pamphlet available. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) notes:
Your official referendum booklet will be available in accessible formats progressively throughout September on this page

Blind and low vision
Your official referendum booklet is currently being converted into formats accessible to voters who are blind or have low vision, and will available here, once completed. Once these materials are completed, they will also be available to request in hard copy through the AEC Contact Centre on 13 23 26.

Easy Read
Your official guide to the referendum is currently being converted into Easy Read and will be available here, for voters with different reading abilities once completed.
If you would like any further information, there are a variety of ways you can contact the Australian Electoral Commission:

Be wary of scam emails or text messages

Be wary of scam emails or text messages

With the rise of online scamming and fraudulent emails, it is becoming increasingly important to be wary of suspicious emails. We would like to remind you that WDV will not ask for financial donations via email.

In certain cases, scammers can send emails or text messages coming from a different email. For instance, a spam email which appears to be from Nadia asking for donations via email. Due to the fraudulent nature of scammers posing as someone else online, please note it is best to never give away any personal or financial information unless you have had a verbal conversation with one of our staff members.

If you receive these types of emails, please delete these from your inbox and do not click on any of the links.

If you have any questions please contact us on (03) 9286 7800