WDV often has events, training sessions and workshops open to it’s members and sector professionals.
To find out more about upcoming events, training and workshops click here.
Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV) is an organisation led by women with disabilities, for women with disabilities.
We run events, workshops, community hubs, and leadership programs for women with disabilities in Victoria.
We provide resources, consultations and workforce development opportunities for organisations who want to improve their accessibility and services.
Our goal is real social and economic inclusion for women with disabilities in Victoria. We envision a world where all women are respected and can fully experience life.
WDV works with government and service providers to improve policy and remove barriers for women and non-binary people with disabilities.
Unfortunately, we are not currently set up to advocate for people on an individual basis.
If you are in crisis, or experiencing violence, abuse or neglect, and you need support accessing disability or family violence services, you may find some of the organisations listed here helpful: Find support.
WDV facilitates local networks of women and non-binary people with disabilities.
Members of community hubs support each other to achieve leadership, advocacy, human rights, and empowerment goals. They might also work together to address local matters impacting on the lives of women with disabilities.
Applications are open for our Enabling Young Women Leadership program.
This program is for women and non-binary youth aged 18-25 who want to learn more about their human rights, speaking up, and how to be a leader.
We will learn about these things in interesting, fun, and creative ways.
WDV offers consultations with our Experts by Experience. The experts are a group of women and non-binary people with lived experience of disability. They offer their expertise on accessibility, inclusion and gender equity.
Consultations are available for policy-makers, healthcare providers, organisations in the violence prevention space and anyone wanting to make their services accessible and welcoming for women and non-binary people with disabilities.
Animated video with accompanying resources and image descriptions about how we understand disability and how we want others to understand disability.
Understanding Disability – PDF
Understanding disability – Word
Image Descriptions – Understanding Disability – Word
“As someone who does not have a disability, I can only begin to better understand these particular challenges by listening and learning from the perspective of those who do have a disability. I also found the course facilitators encouraged everyone to participate and this made the course more engaging and interactive. I thoroughly recommend this course to anyone wanting to expand their professional expertise or deepen their understanding of how we can work more effectively together to prevent violence towards women with a disability in our communities.”
Rosie Batty
Domestic Violence Advocate
Contact us to find out more about training